What Is Software ? Types Of Software


We can perform different types of tasks with the help of computer. Basically all the processes are done with the help of software which is stored in a secondary memory device. Software is another name for program. Software is a collection of programs written for a specific purpose. A program is a set of instructions written in a particular programming language. There are two major types of software: system software and application software. Both these softwares have their own areas of work. Both these softwares have their own areas of work.

1. System Software:-

System software is the software that first interacts with the user and then works with the application software. System software helps the computer to manage its internal resources. System software is not just a program, but a collection of many programs. The important components of system programs are as follows:

Operating System:

Operating system is system software that manages computer hardware and software resources like CPU, memory, input and output etc., and provides common services for computer programs. It provides an interface between the computer and the user. Windows OS is one of the most and widely used operating systems on computers. Linux and Unix OS are also used in certain types of applications. They are of many types, such as embedded, distributed, real time etc.


Utilities are different types of services which are provided by the operating system. Utilities such as defragmenter are useful for removing unwanted files and fully utilizing disk resources. With this feature, we can also organize disk space.

Device drivers:

These are special programs that allow other input and output devices to communicate with the rest of the computer system.


Server is required when different types of programs need to be run to fulfill the requests made by different users.

2. Application software:-

Application software is software that is specially designed for the users - also called end user programs. Some programs such as database programs, word processors, web browsers, spreadsheet applications fall under the category of software. These programs can be classified as basic or specialized applications.

Basic Applications:-

These applications are widely used in almost all walks of life:

- Business 

- Education 

- Medical Sciences 

- Banking 

- industries 

Uses Of Application Software 

You can use application software for many tasks such as sending messages, preparing documents, creating spreadsheets, databases, online shopping etc. Application software is designed in such a way that it becomes easy for the user to operate. For example if a user creates any/anytime word file then he/she gets margin, line spacing, font size already set which he/she can change accordingly.

Users can add colors, headings and images to the document as needed.


A web browser is an application software specially designed to search for information and content found on the Internet.

Name of web browser:- Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Safari etc.

Specialized Applications has thousands of other programs that focus on specific topics and professions. Some of the best programs are graphics, audio, video, multimedia, web writing, and artificial intelligence.


So friends, in today's post, I have given you software and software.
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